Joy Hofmeister Corruption
Certified Very Liberal
Changed from Republican to Democrat, Oct 2021 to make ballot
Hofmeister was Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction (Education) 2016-2021 Under her leadership, Oklahoma Schools dropped TO THE BOTTOM in US School Rankings from 48th to 50th during her weak and liberal leadership. Oklahoma in 2021 ranks 33 average percent of math and reading for High School graduates from public schools across the state. Hofmeister, known for opening the door with her promotion of CRT, Common Core, Abortion, LGBTQ+…Z and a strong advocate for the NEA and arm OEA far-left agenda.

LGBT PRIDE: Joy joined the OKC Pride Parade in SUPPORT of the LGBTQ+...Z (Sex with animals) with Debra Gist, Tulsa School Board Superintendent. Joy stated, “LGBTQ…Z and their allies have marched in to rally for equal rights. I was proud to be with friends and family at today’s parade to support, listen and learn.” #OKCPrideon39th Joy is against the Biological basis bathroom bill passed.

Pornography in Schools: State Attorney John O’Conner is investigating the Books in libraries of elementary school of perverted sexual acts by children was found and multiple parents were appalled and objected, yet school principals and Joy advocate this is ok. As a result, many bills in Congress have been presented to remove this over sexualize material harmful to children to even view, which is proven alters their brain and brings harm.

Joy Arrested: In May 2014, political consultant and lobbyist Chad Alexander working for Oklahomans for Public School Excellence (OPSE), a 501(c)(4) was pulled over for driving erratically. His car search, he was busted for possession of 3.35 grams of cocaine and possession of (oxycodone) without a prescription. This led to cell phone search which revealed texts of Hofmeister with OPSE.

On November 3, 2016, Hofmeister was Arrested and Charged with two counts of violating campaign finance law, two counts of conspiracy to commit Felony to violate 21.187.1 & 2 plus Violation of Computer crimes along with her campaign manager Robert Fount Holland, Steven Crawford, Lela Odom, Stephanie Milligan.All five charges were considered to be felony offenses.

Suspiciously & suddenly charges were dropped a year later by State Attorney Hunter, Joy stated in video, yet the Ethics committee stated they were not done. Prosecutors alleged that Hofmeister had violated the law by colluding with an outside political group, Oklahomans for Public School Excellence, during the 2014 campaign & received over limit of funds, citing emails and text messages found in a cell phone from a drug bust they claimed sent by Hofmeister, instructing outside group to run a series of negative campaign ads against opponent, Janet Barresi. Outside political groups are not required to disclose their donors but are forbidden from coordinating with candidates or their campaigns. Her ads against Stitt is corruption, yet her 32 page indicts a lot.

Below is the full 32-page indictment. (Please read the full chain of Text Message from page 6-23)
NO Hiring Teachers: Per Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency (LOFT) review report of OK K-12 school funding, Hofmeister spending for administration grew 40% from 2010-2021 in OK of approx. 26.4 million in salary & benefits, more than other states, with instruction increase 35%. With this admin amount, 500 teachers could have been hired instead. With such poor School Report Cards, 33% in Reading & Math, with both Tulsa and OKC even much lower, Joy has failed the state miserably. Overhead of over 530 Superintendents with 6 figure salaries is outrageous in Oklahoma, if cut to 30, would free up 5,000,000.00 for increase of salaries to teachers and hiring others.

Huge amounts of Dark Money are coming into state to support her along with 5 tribes to protect their Money Making Business interest-gambling. She has spent over 20 million already plus more.
November 3rd, 2016 - JOY LYNN HOFMEISTER Indictment
"THE CRIME OF KNOWINGLY ACCEPTING CONTRIBUTIONS IN EXCESS OF THE MAXIMUM AMOUNTS PROVIDED BY LAW" Indictment - State of Oklahoma vs. Joy Hofmeister, Stephanie Dawn Milligan, Steven Crawford, Lela Odom, and Robert Fount Holland
November 3rd, 2016


November 3rd, 2016
State of Oklahoma vs. Joy Hofmeister, Stephanie Dawn Milligan, Steven Crawford, Lela Odom, and Robert Fount Holland
Joy Hofmeister is bad for Oklahoma
Governor Kevin Stitt about Joy Hofmeister's track record in the one job she was hired to do

The facts are this (uh my opponent) has received a Billion dollars in new spending over the last 8 years. The only thing that hasn't improved is Education.

Governor Kevin Stitt
Oklahoma Educational Indicators Program - Profiles 2019 State Report

See Joy Hofmeister's track record for yourself.
Oklahoma Educational Indicators Program - Profiles 2019 State Report
Joy Hofmeister states that she is for globalist "Sanctuary Cities" which would encourage dangerous Lawlessness!
Dan Bongino Says What We are All Thinking!
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