Governor Kevin Stitt
Certified Very Conservative
Has 100% National Rifle Association Rating
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Kevin Stitt (51) is the incumbent Governor of Oklahoma, in his 2nd term and Endorsed by President Donald Trump. His started January 14, 2019 ends on January 9, 2023. Stitt is a citizen of the Cherokee Nation and 2nd Native American to be elected as governor in the US. Stitt, a successful businessman, had founded and built a nationwide mortgage company, Gateway Mortgage. Stitt was born on December 28, 1972, in Milton, Florida. He graduated from OSU in 1996 with a bachelor's degree in Accounting. He is married to Sarah and have 6 children. Stitt signed 3 Pro-Life bills, eliminating abortion law in Oklahoma. With Supreme Court overturning, all abortion is prohibited in Oklahoma.

Stitt has diversifying Oklahoma’s economy and reformed medical care in the state.
1) Exec. Order 2021-24 Stop Changing of Birth Certificates by Ok Health Depart (OHDS) Gov Stitt found OK Health Depart serv. (OHDS) was changing birth certificates to alter sex gender by a settlement agreement against OK Law & without review from Governor’s Office. Stitt Ex Order STOPPED OSDH amending birth certificates as changes in sex or gender on a birth certificate, or a designation of non-binary, is contrary to Oklahoma law. Remove from OHSC Website reference to amending Birth Cert. Exec Order was to be implemented immediately by OHDS personnel.

2) STOP BIDEN: with Attorney General John O’Connor filed over 22 lawsuits: A. our State was in case to overturn Roe vs. Wade, B. plus filed many against Biden administration stopping the government interfering in: 1. Parent-child relationships, 2. Gov Out of patient/doctor relationship 3. To stop concerned Parents in being labeled “Domestic Terrorist” 4. Multiple suits against Covid-19 Mandates a. against large employers - won, b. hospitals firing employees because they didn’t want the shot – and won, c. against OSHA mandate and won, d. against Federal Contractors and won, e. against mandate in military won all but national guard. f. against Federal employees 5. Filed to stop Biden admin excessive regs against energy, rises prices of energy & Fuel 6. Filed anti-trust against Facebook with 48 other states. 7. Against changing Title IX protection for women sports to include men transgender 8. Stopped threat of taking Doctor license for prescribing ivermectin for Covid, 9. Against bathrooms used only for biological sex.

3) Protect Children: Stitt stands against pornography found in the schools, teaching of Common Core, CRT and the sexualizing of children in our schools through “sex education,” trying to change pronouns to children, and telling a child they can are either boy or girl, or other.

4) Crisis Pregnancy: Exec Order 2021-14 Create Task Force to bring support crisis pregnancy centers, eliminate unnecessary barriers to adoption, to educate the reality of life in the womb, encourage and provide resources to our communities to support mothers faced with unplanned pregnancy, empower non-profits, faith to support mothers before, during, and afterbirth to help both babies and parents.

5. Medical Marijuana: Gov. Kevin Stitt said “Voters misunderstood the medical marijuana measure they voted to approve in 2018. The state questions were misleading, and it has tied our hands as we regulate the industry,” Gov. Kevin Stitt said. He pointed to Oklahoma’s cheap cannabis business licenses. “Because of that state question, Oklahoma charges just $2,500 for a commercial license. Even California charges up to $181,000, 72 times more. As a result, we have 7 times the growers than California with 10 percent of the people who live here, and the industry is attracting bad actors and crime. We know not all of that product is being sold legally,” Gov Stitt said. “Let me be clear: Drug cartels, organized crime, foreign bad actors have no place in the State of Oklahoma.”

Governor Stitt Nov 4th, 2022 to City Elders Tulsa

"We can't pass laws in Oklahoma City that are going to fix some of these social issues. We have to have the churches engaged neighbor with neighbor walking with one another. So, that's what my communication to all of the State agencies is. You've got to engage the churches. That is what is going to move the needle."

Governor Kevin Stitt (OK)
Be a Neighbor
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